Trade: Automatically close trade window upon leaving




3 years ago

It would be nice to have a setting for automatically closing a poe trade window whenever that person leaves the party.

You can say "Thanks" then remove them from party which will remove the window but lots of times for me; people join and then leave without trading (notably in currency trade).
you can manually remove them right now but it can get tedious.
Hopefully this would be a keybind to toggle this function on and off. Just a setting would work too.




3 years ago

There is this circling arrow button that clears the whole list if that’s what you’re looking for.



3 years ago

this is more for consistent trading. I wouldn't want to close other trades still active. just the ones that are completed or the guy left group before completing.
Could have another limiter of only removing them if they are both not in my hideout and left the group (some people leave the group early).
I realize I am an edge case, trading as much as I do, but I think it would be good QoL for regular trading too.



3 years ago

Hey there, thanks for posting this suggestion. For now the app is unable to get any information about the current party. It's not part of the game logs. So the only way of retrieving this information would be through Overwolf events. I've request a new event for this in the past but it hasn't been processed yet. See following topic:


Kyusung changed the status to Blocked

3 years ago

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