trade window ui on multi monitor



ron won

3 quarters ago

would be nice to be able to drag the trade window to an other monitor and not be limited with the game window




2 quarters ago




last month

Wait, why would you want that?

1 hidden items


ron won

last month

sure it is possible to get a possition where it is "less" annoying, i have it in the top right corner and made it smaller.
but the point is that it still is limiting my field of view even when sitting tiny in a corner.
and sometimes you just throw smth in a wrong tab and you get spamed, in these situations you just are screwed, you can't even close them so fast they come in, if that happens on another monitor i don't care and can still play, if you are in a map... good luck and have fun :D.
but besides that there are just situation where i would hate to have it on my screen, like if i want an item but seller is afk, i will every few minutes (in between maps) try to get it and let the trade window open so i dont have to constantly reload the trade site.
there are many more situations that come to my mind but many of them are just rare random situations, but together they add up to a very "annoying vield of few diversion".
and lets be honest these days almost every gamer (by that i don't mean max 2h per day casuals) have at least 2 monitors and are used to using both. i for myself use 3 monitors for many years already and never would even think of going back to only one. it is just such a convenience to not have to alt+tab everytime, just having the game on fullscreen-windowed and being able to have wiki, trade, coe, poedb open on other screens all at once is nothing you will ever want to give up again if you have experienced it once.
it is like with everything else, you can't miss anything you never experienced, but if you have experienced it and liked it, you WILL miss it :D


ron won

last month

because i used poe-trades-companion (also for many years) i am used to multimonitoring because this app can do it, but because it is ahk based, it also sometimes causes some issues with razer synapse.
thats why i give hope in this app, it is for me atm the 3rd most convenient app, but sadly the devs of this app seems to don't care much about the trade whisper aspect and nothing happened for a long time for this part of the app.

i don't care about all the statistics the app is producing.
i am not a racer so i don't need to compare how many seconds i was faster this run compared to my last one, but it seems many ppl are. even if they are no racers or testers or theory-crafters (just seen the favorite streamer use it so they also have to) and it makes absolut 0 sense for them :D.

imo they try to be to many things at once so everything takes so long.
just a tiny example, there is a suggestion for adding a sound notify when buyer join your hideout (this should be not a huge thing and compared to tracking implementation pretty fast) from a year ago (i also upvoted this) and it was approved "last quarter", because the current quarter is over in a few days it is way more than 3 month ago (at least) since it got accepted. and since that, they had 9 app updates, and almost all of them related to the tracking aspect of the app. thats the point i care the leaset of.
but i guess to generate more income they have to do what the mass like to see.

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